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JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

Your MSP Marketing Needs Client Reviews to Back it Up

Your MSP Marketing Needs Client Reviews to Back it Up

Recently, Google has updated its requirements to run local ads from 1 review to 5 reviews. If you’ve been neglecting collecting reviews, now is the time to start, as they increase the value of your MSP marketing efforts.

Google Changes Local Ad Requirements

What’s a local ad? Google Local Services Ads (LSA) are online ads that feature local service businesses such as plumbers, HVAC, electricians, cleaning services and other B2C and B2B companies. As we often note, Google focuses on local companies, assuming that when someone searches for a business, they are looking for something nearby. This is why you must ensure you market your MSP to your local customers.

When enrolling in Google local service ads, the advantage businesses have is that their ads appear first, above the organic search results and regular Google Ads. These ads are the first thing a potential customer will see when searching for a service. This is important because, as with page rank, the closer to the top of a search engine result, the more likely you will gain the attention of potential customers…before your competitors do.

One thing to remember is that Google’s primary mandate is to ensure users of its platform have a good user experience and the big G is constantly making changes to ensure this happens. For example, as a reaction to black hat SEO, Google now focuses on content and not keywords to determine which website has the best answer to a question. Google’s new requirement for five reviews before allowing a business to run a local service ad is a similar response to customers having poor experiences. 

Before this recent change, if you wanted to run a local ad, all you needed was a single review, making it relatively easy for any business to run local ads. Unfortunately, with such a low bar to entry, there was an increased risk of customers having a poor experience when interacting with some businesses. What we are witnessing is Google reacting to customers’ complaints and, as such, increasing the review requirement to install customer confidence in a business.

Why This Matters to Your MSP Marketing Goals

While Google’s latest update focuses on local service ads, you should always view any changes Google makes as part of your long-term MSP marketing strategy. There should be little doubt that Google will continue to emphasize the importance of reviews to give customers confidence in a business’ ability to do the job.

As we noted, Google is solely focused on user experience. We have seen this goal expressed particularly in how they rank websites. Websites that provide poor user experience or don’t understand user intent may find their page position lower, effectively limiting their ability to attract potential customers.

In the case of an MSP, Google’s algorithm “reads” your content to determine whether or not you are providing searchers with a good answer to their technical questions. Depending on the quality of your content, you may find that your website isn’t showing for search terms as often or ever. This is why when MSPs ask why their competitors are out-ranking them, one of the first things you should review is the content on your site. 

Does Your MSP Have Enough Online Reviews?

Google’s recent change to local ad requirements should be a wake-up call for all businesses, regardless of industry, to the importance Google places on reviews. Google will only continue to use reviews to determine whether or not to show your business not only on page one but in a position above your competitors. So the question is, have you been collecting reviews?

While it can seem daunting, acquiring reviews doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are five easy ways to get the process started:

  1. Provide great customer service
  2. Add a Leave a Review link on your website
  3. Leave behind a Leave-Behind, such as our Tech Feedback Cards
  4. Send follow-up emails after projects to guide clients to your Google Reviews.
  5. Ask customers directly for a Google Review

Various commercially available review generation tools can make the review process much more streamlined and automated. Also known as social proof, reviews and testimonials are still considered and treated as one of the best methods to encourage potential customers to take a chance on a business.

Marketing Your MSP Doesn’t Have to be Complicated

Marketing your MSP can seem like you’re juggling a lot of balls, SEO, content creation, web design, and collecting customer reviews. We understand how it can seem a bit overwhelming. However, it doesn’t have to be. With the right partner, your MSP marketing can be an effective tool to drive customers to your business.

We are an MSP marketing agency started by an MSP. We understand the unique nature of our industry and how difficult it can be to find someone who ‘gets it”. If you don’t feel your message is breaking through the noise and aren’t getting the leads you need to grow, we can help. 

Call 888-546-4384 today to schedule a consultation!

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