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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

Words That Work Like Magic In Your Email Subject Lines!


Opened, read, and clicked; that is what you want out of your email content, right? Despite what you’ve heard, that email you just typed out before your coffee break, is going to be judged solely on the subject line. Frankly, that is the first and only thing your target audience is going to view, or skim, when they hit their inbox.

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Making Email Marketing Work for Your Business, Part 1


Email marketing isn’t easy. You have to spend the time and effort to make sure you have solid copy, are following all the rules and regulations of email marketing, complying with the rules set forth by companies like Mailchimp and Constant Contact, adding images and video that actually enhance your copy, and making sure you have the perfect subject line to make your audience even open your email. That’s a lot and we get that, but there are ways to track and test what you’re doing to make email marketing work for your company. In this 2 part blog, we’re breaking down 6 items you can test pretty easily in your emails, with some advice to help you along the way.


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Making Email Marketing Work for Your Business, Part 2


When using emails in your marketing, you need to make sure you're setting yourself apart from the other emails in your audience's Inbox. To do this, you need to track and test what you’re doing to make email marketing work for your company. In part 1 of this blog, we told you about a couple of items that you could test to determine the best way for you to approach email marketing and how those items can help your company specifically. If you haven’t gotten a chance to read Part 1, you’re missing out on subject lines, time testing and getting to the point. In this portion, we will expand on a few more items to pay attention to and test with your emails and how to make email really work for your company’s marketing.

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This Is Why It's Important to Maintain Your Lists


Having a well-managed list is a critical component to making the most of your marketing strategy. However, building and maintaining a list can be challenging if the right strategies aren’t employed. In order to optimize your marketing, it helps to know how to best put these strategies into play. 

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Why You Should Send Out Personalized Emails, And How


Email marketing can often be approached in the wrong way, often due to a misunderstanding of its capabilities. Too often, it is considered more of a blanket, mass marketing tactic than a targeted, one-on-one strategy. However, using analytics and Big Data to have an informed approach, you can use some of email marketing’s features to personalize your marketing to each recipient.

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Is MailChimp Right for Your Marketing Needs


The nature of email marketing, and the volume of contacts that many SMBs have, requires them to select an email marketing solution that helps them reach their goals. Today, we’ll review a popular option, MailChimp, to see if it is best suited to handle your business communications.

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Grow Your Email Marketing List Using These Tips

growing email marketing list

A quality email marketing list is essential for any business in the B2B space. However, compiling a list is a complicated, time consuming process. Because of this, many MSP companies will compile a list all at once, and then continue to use that same list for all of their future marketing needs. This mistake can negatively impact your marketing efforts.

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Why You Should Care About Email Hygiene


I’m sure you learned growing up the importance of hygiene. When you were a kid, your parents probably drilled into your head the importance of keeping yourself clean (making sure you wash your hands, bathe regularly, and change your clothes) and maintaining a clean living space (doing things like putting your dishes in the sink, cleaning up spills, and putting your dirty clothes in the hamper). We’re here to talk to you about the importance of a different type of hygiene: email hygiene.

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MSP Marketing Email Best Practices

MSP Marketing Email Best Practices

Email marketing can be a powerful marketing tool for MSPs, but there is a very fine line between being productive and being detrimental. That said, you want to stand out enough that you get noticed, clicked on, read, and interacted with. Let’s talk about some email marketing best practices that your MSP can utilize for your next campaign.

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How to Build a Newsletter Audience that Mailchimp Will Like

How to Build a Newsletter Audience that Mailchimp Will Like

Mailchimp is an email marketing platform that offers businesses quite a bit of utility and features, which makes it a popular option among them. However, this popularity means that Mailchimp needs to be particularly careful that its users abide by email marketing best practices. As someone who just wants to market your managed services, where does this leave you?

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Cold Emails: What They Are, and How You Can Use Them

Cold Emails: What They Are, and How You Can Use Them

For most businesses, cold calling is a necessary piece to any marketing & sales strategy. Unfortunately, they’re not always fun to make. Fortunately, there’s an alternative: the cold email.

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Creating a Company Newsletter That People Want to Read

Creating a Company Newsletter That People Want to Read

Monthly newsletters are a common marketing tactic used by small, medium, and large businesses alike. But, what exactly makes a ‘good’ company newsletter? What sort of content is going to keep people subscribed and reading your newsletter each and every month?

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What Type of Newsletter Should Your Company Distribute?


As you probably know, newsletters are a staple part of content marketing for B2B companies - 83% of B2B marketers use newsletters for content marketing. That statistic is made up of people who do things the old-fashioned way - printed newsletters - and the newer, tech-savvy way: eNewsletter. You should be using at least one of these to market your company: 90% of people prefer to receive company updates from newsletters, compared to 10% for social media.

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Understanding Metrics Series (4 of 6) - eNewsletter


If you want to improve the success of your marketing efforts, you should be tracking the metrics associated with each of your marketing types. In part four of our 6-part blog series, we’ll look at the top five metrics you should be examining in regards to your electronic newsletter (eNewsletter), and suggest some ways you can improve your results.

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Is Your Marketing Mobile-Friendly?


The world is changing rapidly. Business decision makers can access information about your company like never before. It’s likely that not every decision maker is sitting at their desk at work, researching you from the comfort of their desktop computer. They may be at home, sitting on their couch, doing that research from their smartphone or tablet.

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How to Optimize Your Marketing Choices Through A/B Testing


One of the best things about marketing is that it is a very fluid process, heavily informed by how an audience reacts and responds to an initiative. This means that it is very important that you identify what marketing choices will optimize your impact. The process of A/B testing can help with this.

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Understanding Drip Campaigns and How to Use Them


Drip marketing can be a powerful tool to use as a campaign to communicate with your audience. Using these drip campaigns properly will help lead leads, prospects, and recurring clients to complete the actions that eventually bring about a completed transaction. Here, we’ll discuss how drip campaigns work, some common uses for them, and how to plan them out

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How to Improve Your Digital Marketing


Marketing has always kept pace with the technologies of its time, and has been, at times, hindered by them. This has become much less of an issue today, as we now have the ability to use the Internet and other computing technologies to market in a digital environment, expanding our reach and the knowledge we can glean from our efforts. However, some methods of digital marketing today are more effective than others. In order to be successful, you should focus on doing it the right way.

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Five Ways You Can Market Without Breaking Your Budget

Five Ways You Can Market Without Breaking Your Budget

Of any concerns a business may have, one of the most pressing is their bottom line, which means that all other considerations must address that final total as they are made. This is especially true of marketing considerations, as marketing is often an expensive endeavor. However, there are a few outlets available to market through for little-to-no cost to the business.

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